January 2023 - We have puppies NEW! Imamo mladičke NOVO!
15.10.2022 //
What a great day for Monte Gerass Kennel!
We went to a hunting event. Under honorable judge Mr. Jože Rus our 3 girls and 2 boys from combination Waterline's Gino & Monte Gerass Love and Joy successfully passed Natural ability test.
We are very proud on fabolous Monte Gerass kids. They are only 6 months old and have proven their quality! They are the youngest group of retrievers at the age 6 month in history of Slovene cynology, who successfully passed Natural ability test altogether.
Monte Gerass Tu Aimes Amour
Monte Gerass Total Love and Joy
Monte Gerass Toujors Un Ami
Monte Gerass Thunder of Love
Monte Gerass T'Encanta L'Amor
Fantastičen dan za Monte Gerass Kennel!
Udeležili smo se lovske prireditve. Naše 3 dekleta in 2 fanta iz kombinacije Waterline's Gino & Monte Gerass Love and Joy so pod častnim sodnikom g. Jožetom Rusom uspešno opravili preizkus naravnih zasnov (PNZ).
Zelo smo ponosni na čudoviti Monte Gerass podmladek. Stari so komaj 6 mesecev in genetska kvaliteta se je izkazala!
V zgodovini slovenske kinologije so najmlajša skupina prinašalcev, katera je v celoti uspešno opravila PNZ pri starosti 6 mesecev.
Monte Gerass Tu Aimes Amour
Monte Gerass Total Love and Joy
Monte Gerass Toujors Un Ami
Monte Gerass Thunder of Love
Monte Gerass T'Encanta L'Amor
Čestitke za uspešno organizacijo preireditve LKD Gorica – Nova Gorica in LD Vojkovo.
20.11.2021 //
Hvala vsem, ki verjamejo v naše delo ter nam zaupajo.
Dodal bom še:
Poštenost, odkritost, transparentnost, etičnost in morala, skrb za dobrobit psa in temeljna skrb za ohranjanje pasme, delovanje po načelu zaščite naše kulturne in naravne dediščine – to so vodila uspešnega vzreditelja!
Hvala LKD Gorica in Kinološka Zveza Slovenije za izkazano zaupanje in priznanje.
Today I received a diploma from the Cynological Association of Slovenia for successful breeding.
Thank you to everyone who believes in our work and trusts us.
I will also add:
Honesty, openness, transparency, ethics and morality, concern for the dog's well-being and fundamental concern for the preservation of the breed, acting according to the principle of protecting our cultural and natural heritage - these are the guidelines of a successful breeder!
Thank you to LKD Gorica and the Cynological Association of Slovenia for the trust and recognition shown.
05.06.2021 //
Čudovit je občutek, ko je tvoj trud in trdo dolgoletno delo opaženo in priznano. S kinologijo se ukvarjam že 30 let, Bojana 23 let. V vzrejo sva vpeta 21 let. Pretečenih je mnogo čudovitih kinoloških let, polnih padcev in vzponov, prijetnih presenečenj in grenkih razočaranj. Polno sreče ter tudi solz. Nič nama ni bilo podarjeno, vse sva dosegla z trdim delom in neustavljivo voljo po učenju in spoznavanju čudovitega pasjega sveta. Zmetali so nama veliko polen pod noge, ampak midva sva trdoživa in se ne dava. Resnica prej ali slej zmaga. Pogum je nagrajen. Vedno se bova borila za dobrobit psa in pasme. Etika, morala in humanost na prvem mestu, za razvoj pasme v skladu s smernicami FCI standarda. Pes ni samo pes. Je čudovit prijatelj iz pradavnine, danes in jutri. Hvala vsem, ki verjamejo v najino delo ter nama zaupajo.
Hvala LKD Gorica in KZS za odlikovanje.
It is a wonderful feeling when many years of hard work is noticed and acknowledged. I have been dealing with cynology for 30 years, Bojana for 23 years. We have been involved in breeding for 21 years. Many wonderful cynological years have passed, full of ups and downs, pleasant surprises and bitter disappointments. Full of happiness as well as tears. Nothing was given to us, we achieved everything with hard work and an unstoppable will to learn and get to know the wonderful world of dogs. They put spanners in the works, but we are stubborn and don't give up. The truth sooner or later wins. Courage is rewarded. We will always fight for the welfare of the dog and the breed. Ethics, morals and humanity in the first place, for the development of the breed in accordance with the guidelines of the FCI standard. A dog is not just a dog. He is a wonderful friend from antiquity, today and tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who believes in our work and trusts us.
Thank you for Silver badge for cynological merit of Cynological Association of Slovenia
13.11.2020 // Naše tri psičke so pridobile vzrejno dovoljenje
27.02.2016 // Potrditev za pošteno in trdo delo. Hvala LKD Gorica - Nova gorica.
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